Altar Servers
Young people ten years and older in addition to adults and families may serve the weekend Masses. Training is given periodically throughout the year. Newcomers are always welcome.
Altar Society
This group is committed to the service of the altar and the care of the Church. Some of its members help decorate the Sanctuary, especially during special liturgical seasons.
Catechists/Religious Education teachers
A catechist is someone who responds to the call to share their faith with others. There are a variety of ways people can assist in the ongoing process of faith formation within the religious education program including classes, liturgical experiences, retreats, service projects and sacramental preparation. Our program involves between five and six hundred children and requires the help of many committed volunteers. Parents are the first and foremost catechists of their children. They catechize informally but powerfully by example and instruction. Their active involvement in the parish, their readiness to seek opportunities to serve others, and their practice of frequent and spontaneous prayer, all make meaningful their professions of belief.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word Team Members
Volunteers are needed to form teams specially trained to use a Lectionary for Masses with children in order to present the weekly readings in a way that young children (ages three to nine) can understand. They also lead the children in song and do the prayers of the faithful with them as well. They direct this beautiful celebration where children meet God on their level. CLW team members should be committed to sharing the Gospel message in a relevant, respectful and age appropriate way with the young children of St. Mary’s. Each team consists of two or three people. Generally, each group covers four or five Masses in a rotating cycle from the Fall through the Spring.
English Classes
Volunteers are needed to help teach English classes to our Spanish community. Instruction is given. Please contact our office for more information.
Eucharistic Ministers
Men and women can participate in the distribution of the Holy Eucharist under both species (bread and wine) during the Masses. Training for this ministry is scheduled periodically throughout the year. New ministers are always welcome.
Family Mass
Every Sunday the 9am Mass is a special Family Mass.
Gift Bearers
All parishioners, families as well as individuals, are invited to participate in this ministry in which the gifts of bread and wine are presented to the priest during the Mass. Just check the book in the Church vestibule, or with an usher, to see if anyone has signed up for any particular mass. If it is free, you may sign up for that day or one in the future.
Men and women are invited to greet fellow parishioners as they enter the Church.
The people who volunteer to help with this ministry bake for the socials our parish hosts, help serve coffee/refreshments, and then clean up after the social hour is over.
Knights of Columbus:
The Walter Keenan Council #6376 meets in our Church Hall on the second Monday of each month. Members assist with various parish projects and functions in addition to hosting a monthly pancake Breakfast, and the awarding of a scholarship each year to a graduating college-bound parish senior.
This ministry meets every Tuesday from 1pm to 3pm. They donate prayer shawls, hats, scarves, blankets and other items to those in need.
These men and women proclaim the Word of God in the Eucharistic liturgies and at other services. Training is provided periodically throughout the year.
Ministers to the Sick and Elderly
Men and women are trained and commissioned as ministers to visit the sick and the elderly and bring them Communion.
Adult Choir
This group of adults and young adults provide music at the 9:00 am Mass each Sunday, as well as on all solemn feast days. Rehearsals are weekly on Wednesday evenings at 7:15-8:15 pm from September to June.
Children’s Choir
This group of children sing at designated masses. Rehearsals are weekly on Wednesday evening from 6-7 pm from September to May.
Outreach Ministries
There is a great need for this very important ministry requiring the involvement of many volunteers to help others in their needs and to enable them to grow stronger in their faith, especially the newly registered, the divorced and separated, the inactive members of the community, the young and old alike. Therefore, this is an open invitation to all members of the parish to get involved. This ministry is truly a way of responding to Jesus’ call to preach the Good News in very practical ways. Please call the Parish office and ask to speak with the Pastor.
Parish Garden
All parishioners, including our Confirmation candidates, are asked to help plant, care for and harvest the produce of our parish garden, which is shared with Soup Kitchens, Clinton’s Social Services and the needy of the community.
Pre Baptismal Instruction
In this program, parents are prepared for the baptism of their children.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
A team provides Christian formation to candidates wishing full membership in the Catholic community.
Small Christian Communities
The people who meet in these small groups, come together to pray and reflect upon the following Sunday’s scripture readings, trying to find the link between the reading, each other and God. In this way, their relationship to God, each other, and to the parish can grow and strengthen the larger faith community. See Current Calendar of Events.
Our ushers welcome people to Church, show them to available seats when necessary, pass the collection baskets, distribute bulletins and assist in many other ways at each weekend mass.
Welcoming Committee
This committee welcomes and helps the newly registered families.
Young People’s Catechumenate
A team of parishioners meets when needed to educate and prepare older children for their initiation and reception of sacraments that they have not yet received.
Youth Group
Young people who have already made their Confirmation have a special group to support Community Service projects and have their own dedicated meeting space for gathering, planning and recreational activities.