About our Faith Formation (Religious Education) Program
St. Mary’s Religious Education program is a comprehensive and spiritual program for children in grades Kindergarten through 9. Our classes provide a nurturing environment which encourages and invites all children into a deeper relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. We value each child as a unique individual and welcome children of all abilities.
Grades Kindergarten through 5th Grade
Our K-5 program is a traditional classroom learning environment using textbooks based on a spiral curriculum and teacher resources. All textbooks teach on the basis of the four pillars of the Catholic Faith, which include- The Creed, the 7 Sacraments, Morality, and Prayer.
- K-5th Grade Sunday 10:00 – 11:15 am or Monday 4:30 – 5:45 pm
- 6-7th Grade Monday 6:00 – 7:15 pm
- 8th Grade Wednesday 6:00 – 7:15 pm
- 9th Grade Wednesday 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Grades 6 & 7 Edge
Our Edge middle school program for grades 6 & 7 is an exciting, hands on way for your child to learn their faith. It is part of the Life Teen program which is based on developing a closer relationship with Jesus through prayer, worship, scripture and activities. The students are encouraged to participate in small group discussions by grade. Many of our topics which are based on the pillars of the Catholic Faith, speak to the children on the very things that are going on in their lives. Young people who develop a faith life in middle school are more likely to continue practicing their faith throughout their lives.
Edge classes meet on Monday evenings from 6pm -7:15pm.
Many volunteers are needed to facilitate the Edge program. Parents are required to participate in Edge either as volunteer Group Leaders, Assistants or substitutes. Parents are expected to attend all family functions/special events for Edge.
Sacramental Preparation
Our Sacramental preparation program begins in 2nd grade with First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. All students must complete one year of 1st grade Religious Ed. classes at the church to be enrolled in the 2nd grade Sacramental program.
Our Confirmation program is a 2 year program beginning in 8th grade. Students in the 9th grade will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in the spring of 9th grade. CONFIRMATION BOOKLETS are available please call the office to receive one.
All students in the 8th grade must attend a full year of religious education classes (Pre-Confirmation) prior to entering the 9th grade Confirmation class. *Attendance is of utmost importance in all sacramental years.
- 8th Grade Wednesday 6:00 – 7:15 pm
- 9th Grade Tuesday 6:00 – 7:15 pm
Parents Role
Parents, as the primary teacher of the faith for your child, your support and participation in the religious education of your child is very important. Children will learn by their parent’s example. Through baptism you are called to hand on the faith to your child. In your child’s baptism it is a promise that you make to raise your child in the faith. Through these commitments we are here to assist you in your child’s journey of faith. It is so very important that you and your child attend Mass each week to experience and understand the Liturgy and Eucharist.
Many volunteers are also needed to run our Religious Ed. program. All parents are required to help out in some capacity each year. Please consider volunteering either as a Catechist or Assistant for your child’s class. Substitute teachers are also needed during the year. All parents are expected to participate in family activities and or special events during the year.